Together with our partners from Pacto Verde we intend to promote the agricultural sector among young people. We aim to connect around a regenerative, resilient, and decentralized approach to ensure generational renewal and guarantee food security.
Read more about our activities here.
Our first project activity, a talk on Smart Farming by expert Bernd Robbert, is now available online for streaming. Register now to view the event.
You are curious to visit modern farms? Join us on a study trip to Spain in spring 2024! Shoot us a message info@integrity.earth

Our Mobility project "Developing sustainability, entrepreneurship and process innovation at Association Integrity Earth" is designed to improve our team's abilities to design effective educational content by attending our partner organization Inerciadigital's courses in Huelva, Spain.
Check-out our participants' experience reports.
You are curious to learn more about Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Development? Read this blogpost with our take-aways from our second course week with Inercia Digital.

The aim of REC4localEU is to create conditions for the development of citizens' skills and knowledge in the field of renewable energy communities and the promotion of community approaches for renewable energy in rural and remote European areas as a backbone for sustainable sustainable socio-economic growth.
Our project Partners are the cooperative SO.L.E and EuropAledro.
Learn more about the project activities here.