Positively disrupting worldviews for a more harmonious world - with the objective to produce a solution-based documentary series with humanity at its core, highlighting untold stories of champions of integrity. We must decondition ourselves from 10,000 years of limiting cultural conditioning. We believe in the power of great storytelling to inspire and catalyze cultural evolution.

The Earth is in planetary overshoot and collapse. The conditions required for individuals and societies to develop and thrive are no longer sustained by the planet’s biophysical processes. The missing component required for a worthy planetary response, suitable to the scale of the challenges we face, is the transition from a culture driven by fragmentation to one of integrity.
A culture of integrity enables the effective translation of the numerous best-practice theories into the actualization of a sustainable planetary culture at the service of all citizens of earth in the shortest possible time. This requires us to shift our collective awareness from seeking mere incremental change over the countless symptoms plaguing our planet to effectively addressing the challenges by the root. Immersed in a fragmented system of induced scarcity we confuse what is with what is not. Only by addressing this fundamental lack of integrity can we start moving into the right direction and transcend the cultural conditioning that keeps humanity under the illusion of separation.
As diverse people and organizations around the world partake in this process of co-creating a culture that respects a holistic understanding of our interwovenness with life, an integral economy adequate for today’s needs results, directly linking conscious consumers to conscious producers in a participatory relationship. Change is facilitated when confronted with partaking in an integral economy that provides value to all stakeholders, over partaking in extractive economies fixated on profit over people and planet. By consolidating a viable alternative in which to participate, a movement emerges, out-competing models built on scarcity.
The Integrity Earth series highlights a pioneering whole-system transdisciplinary approach that combines proven frameworks of best practices in ecological restoration in conjunction with meeting the socio-economic needs of communities that depend on a functional environment from all around the planet and streamlines them into simple, actionable high-impact change.
With the goal set to help bring the planet back to health, together we will lift each other up, and sustain long term systemic health for civilization as a whole.
We invite you to envision the emergence of a culture of integrity as we weave together all regenerative people and organizations working towards systemic well-being.
What now counts is that each of us takes personal responsibility for the global shift we are collectively part of, uniting all these impulses into a breakthrough towards genuine sustainability, freedom, and peace.
Documentary Series: Inspiring the World into Action
The need to get our collective act together and shape the future we all want, has never been more critical than today. To catalyze the emergence of bioregional economies of abundance, Integrity Earth highlights Ancient/Future technologies and practices conserved and championed by the different cultures accross the globe.
Beyond inspiring and educating, we offer the viewers the opportunity to transcend from their seats into cooperative action. Every project highlighted is an invite to co-create the regenerative movement. An online and offine co-creation platform will streamline and connect concerned earth-citizens to the regenerative practioners championing best practices in response to the call-to-action felt accross the planet.
Integrity.Earth 2019